Monday 4 December 2017

Why You Should Be Sure To Cash In On Your 2017 Dental Benefits—NOW

Think you’ll be on the dental “naught” or “nice” list this year? Have you been taking care of your smile? Or, maybe, have you been skipping out on…say, flossing for a while? Have you forgotten to buy the mouthwash? Or, have you been eating too many sweets, and not brushing before bed?  




Have you heard someone mention that using all of your dental benefits would be wise to do before the year is up? But, what odes that really mean?  

 How to get more out of your benefits before Dec. 31

Whether your new to the dental benefits game, or well versed in it, we’re here to shed a little light on the topic, especially for younger generations.  


And, for the sake of staying within our dental realm, we’ll be talking about benefits when it comes to dental coverage—separate from medical benefits, or eye coverage benefits, etc. Luckily, your mouth is a pretty straightforward topic. Though, we might be biased. 


So, how’s it work? 


Both you and your employer pay up-front costs to buy a dental plan, typically on the first of the year (or whenever you begin a plan). If you don’t use all of the perks you pay for throughout the year. then you basically waste the money. 


That’s right, your benefits are prorated throughout the year. So even if you don’t see money coming out of your pocket come the end of the month, money that you’ve already spent will have been spent for naught. If you haven’t gotten your last cleaning in for the year, or if you have ANY aches or pains (or changes in dry mouth, breath, etc.) that you haven’t gotten checked out, this is your last chance to make an appointment and get in this year! 


This is why we want to stress understanding your dental insurance policies. 


Most dental insurance providers offer different levels of plans: preventive, basic and major. From those coverage options, you pick the one you can afford, or the one that’s best suited to your needs.  


  1. Most preventative plans have a zero-dollar deductible and care,including semi-annual teeth cleanings or x-rays—or even sealants to keep your teeth protected! Check your policy to see what options you have.


  1. Most basic plans see patients paying between 2 and 30% of procedures,including things like extractions, fillings, root canals and treatment for gum disease.


  1. A major plan would mean the patient pays more out-of-pocket expenses for coverage on crowns, bridges, inlays and dentures. It’s important to look at your policy, as each company has specific offerings, not to mention different plans and perks.



Capitalize on your allotted perks like check-ups, cleanings, and other procedures you might need. You’ve been paying for it throughout the year, so don’t be left with nothing to show! 


You just have to call our office and make the appointment.  


Our reception desk here at Dr. Marchbanks’s office knows this stuff backwards and forwards, and will be happy to help you better understand your plan and how to get your smile sparkling, whether in your regular preventative or reparatory appointments.  


So, if you want to make the “nice” list this year, and give shining smiles this holiday season, make sure to play smart and book any last minute 2017 benefits appointments now! 

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